Due to Coronavirus the club has come to a temporary stop. The FA have ended all grassroots football and competitions for the season. This alongside the flooding has been quite an unusual year for the club and all. The most important message now though is stay well, safe and healthy.
We will return to training when safe to do so and hope we can provide a summer of football for all our club members. The clubhouse work on rebuilding it following the floods has been temporarily halted but will continue when safe to do so. The pitches are having a much needed rest and are drying quickly.
We will make a call on our tournament at the end of this month (April). We are 97% full and have over 250 campers booked with us plus 114 teams entered. If the tournament does not run full refunds will be sent to all teams and campers.
Plans are being made for next season as our club will bounce back from all this, will grow further and offer football and sport to more members than ever. It’s great to see so many teams staying in touch virtually through social media. We can’t wait to see you all down the sports centre at some point. Stay safe and well all.
Ross Juniors FC committee
