Back in January, Stefan who was 7 at the time asked his dad who helped out at training why couldn't he and his friends play in a team? Unfortunately without a manager to run the team on matchday, kit and enough players at the time this was not possible. We had one team in that age group but not two and the other team was full. For a town the size of Ross we aspire to have two teams in each younger boys age group but without volunteers stepping up to coach this is not always possible.
Stefan spoke to the club and a coach was recruited and adverts went out for new players and a sponsor. The first response we got was from Tracy from Peter Hickman's in Ross who kindly offered to buy the team a kit. New players started to attend training and then a Manager to help Stefan was found. Then floods and Covid 19 struck...
Now in September we have a new Colts Team looking brilliant in their new Peter Hickman sponsored kit and a new manager in Adam keen and eager to get going, with the help of Stefan. The team has even managed to sign on a couple of girls from our U9 team to be part of the squad and help out when needed.
A massive thank you to Stefan for all his hard work in coaching (due to work he cant commit to matchdays understandably), Adam for stepping forward to manage, Tracy and Peter Hickman for sponsorship and most importantly Liam for speaking up and setting this new team on its way.