Ross Juniors FC (RJFC) has been recognised as the Community Club of the Year for Herefordshire and Worcestershire after recently receiving the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Sports Awards for 2015 evening was held on Wednesday 4th November at Worcester Sixways Stadium.

One of the club’s most notable achievements has been the growth of the club. It now has 27 teams, both male and female. The age ranges from 4 to 76. It is one of the largest football clubs in Herefordshire.
The girls’ section that only started 3 years ago has 6 teams and over 80 girls playing football on a regular basis. RJFC is one the leading girls’ clubs in Herefordshire. One of the teams were RJFC's 1st ever league champions in 2015 and four other teams were cup winners.
A mixed walking football team has been created, with target range 50+. It is designed to help people keep an active lifestyle irrespective of their age, as well as providing opportunities for people to get back into football who perhaps had to stop due to injuries.
RJFC together with Ross Cricket Club are the leading partners of Ross Sports Centre. They have raised funds to provide a superb refurbishment programme for the derelict building. This enhanced facility is now a 'sports hub' which promotes excellent football, cricket, sports, leisure and tourism opportunities for the benefit of the whole community.
Recently, the club has started fortnightly ladies training with the objective to field a ladies team very soon. Getting more people active is yet again the idea behind this new venture, as women of all ages and abilities are encouraged to come and join in.
To win the award the club beat off stiff competition. The evening was attended by many dignitaries and the guest speaker was Gail Emms MBE, who was a world champion at badminton. She was an inspirational and motivational speaker.
The award is a recognition of the large and diverse group of volunteers within RJFC, all of which are enthusiastic and committed to the club's vision of 'football for all'. There is a brilliant team of volunteers as coaches, referees, as outstanding organizers and superb fundraisers who are all supported and developed by the club.
If you want to get involved in any way, please contact us on