It’s now been confirmed that Ross will be fielding 7 teams in friendly games vs Rew Valley on the club tour in April. Rew Valley FC are based in Ventnor and are fielding boys and girls teams against mixed Ross and Monmouth tour teams. This is likely to be the most southernly UK fixture in the clubs history.
With 150 now confirmed for the 3 day tour in April the weekend will be one of Football, taking in the Ladies World Cup Qualifier of England vs Wales, coaches and adults 5-a-side World Cup theme Tournament and the games against Rew Valley. Alongside these there will be activities such as motorsports, canoeing and abseiling, the weekend will also see a few social events too.
Alongside this tour our u8 Royals boys are off to Butlins for an ESF Tournament and our u9’s off to Southampton FC for a tournament too. Should be a busy end of season for all.