There has been fantastic interest in our SSE Wildcats Programme, thank you. We have 30 places available (23 now, 7

went in 20 minutes of announcing on Facebook!)and will begin the programme on Thursday 12th April from 6-7pm at Ross Sports Centre, HR9 5JA. The programme is specifically aimed at girls 5-11 years old, new to football or those with limited experience. We get a lot of feedback that jumping into a settled experienced football team is not for everyone, so this programme is the perfect alternative. Over the weeks the girls will practice their skills, have fun, make friends and learn the game. The programme is for 16 weeks and will be happening every Thursday, the first week is free then it is £2 per week. No payment up front, just payment at sessions you can make. The girls will need sports kit (tshirt, shorts, socks, trainers) and a drink. There will be fun themes during the programme, brand new equipment for the girls to use, some great surprises and an end of season Wildcat graduation with fun games against other Wildcat centres. Following the programme the girls will hopefully join a team within the club or elsewhere, if that is not for them and they just want to train that is great too. We may even get enough Wildcats that we might be able to form a brand new girls Most importantly its going to be fun, its all about the girls making friends and doing sport, even the sunshine will be out by April! So to sign up for the programme please leave a message below with your daughter's name and age or email us at . If you have any questions please use the email address or leave a comment. We cant wait to see the girls on 12th April.